Sauce & Seasoning Combo 5-Pack

Sauce & Seasoning Combo 5-Pack


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Classic and Spicy Kansas City Made BBQ Sauces

  • NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup

  • NO Dairy, Nuts, or Soy

  • NO Preservatives

  • ​NO Gluten

Monk Fruit-Sweetened, Kansas City Made BBQ Sauce

  • NO White or Brown Sugar

  • NO Artificial Sweetener

  • NO Dairy, Nuts, or Soy

  • NO Preservatives

  • ​NO Gluten

Beef & Lamb and Pork & Poultry Rub Seasonings

  • LOW Salt

  • LOW Sugar

  • NO Preservatives

  • ​NO Gluten

1 Classic BBQ Sauce (19 oz)

1 Spicy BBQ Sauce (19 oz)

1 Monk Fruit-Sweetened BBQ Sauce (19 oz)

1 Pork & Poultry Rub (5 oz)

1 Beef & Lamb Rub (6.5 oz)

SKU: FCMB5 Category:


Pitmaster LT’s Classic, Spicy, and Monk Fruit-Sweetened BBQ Sauces are crafted of 100% natural ingredient blends that best represent the Barbecue Capital that is Kansas City. The Classic and Monk Fruit-Sweetened sauces give meats and baked beans a smoky sweet barbecue taste, while the Spicy sauce gives them a smoky spicy barbecue taste.  None of them contain gluten, high-fructose corn syrup, or preservatives, and the Monk Fruit-Sweetened sauce is also devoid of white sugar, brown sugar, and artificial sweetener of any kind.

Pitmaster LT’s Rub Seasonings are composed of select, premium dry rub ingredients without fillers like excessive salt or added sugar. Before smoking, grilling, roasting, or baking, coat your burgers, brisket, steaks, and lamb with Beef & Lamb Rub Seasoning, and coat your chicken, turkey, duck, and any cut of pork with Pork & Poultry Rub Seasoning to create tremendous flavor!


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